The journey to becoming more human began five years ago when I finished up with professional rugby. Years of static weight training played a toll on my body and mind. I was restricted in many ways, which was never made clear until I dug deeper into the methodology behind how the body can experience complete freedom.
Growing up, I was involved in contemporary dance schools and breakdancing groups. Reflecting on those times made me want to rediscover how it felt to move freely and experience less pain. I knew seeking out the right education and teacher was the most sensible pathway to gaining this knowledge.
‘The human body is the most adaptable machine on Earth, all it needs is the right input to change…”
Ollie Frost
Pathway to movement
Being based in a physio practice full time has helped further understanding of human movement potential and rehabilitation. Drawing from different methods of movement training to improve peoples health and wellbeing.
Breath control is the pillar and foundation of every living organism on the planet. Understanding and controlling breathing mechanics for both physical and mental state is paramount for longevity. Movement starts with the breath, it’s the first thing we do when we're born, but there is a big gaping black hole since that point on breathing correctly. Breath control and awareness is the start point of becoming more human.
Becoming more human requires discipline both from the body and mind. At the heart of this is flexibility training.
Flexibility is present in every aspect of movement; you can’t escape it. All the other motor abilities live in the shadow of flexibility. Flexibility is the capacity to move your joints; it dictates where you can put your various body parts, which dictates to what extent you can display and demonstrate the other motor abilities. Becoming flexible as an adult is a vital component for optimal longevity for both the body and mind.
Coaching has always been a massive passion; I have been a sports and 1-1 coach for over 12 years. Seeing people overcome obstacles is what makes it so special. The human body is the most adaptable species on earth; creating an environment both internally and externally will create long-lasting change. Prevention is better than cure; live the best life you can through movement training.